The 70/20/10 Model

Last week at ConVerge, Dr Denise Meyerson delivered a keynote where she spoke about the trends of Workplace learning. One of the points mentioned was the 70/20/10 Model, which was as follows;

70% of learning happens on the job
20% of learning happens through coaching and mentoring
10% of learning happens through formal learning

Dr Meyerson made the point that workplace learning needs to be contextualised, and the figures would back that up. Then, this week, I came across the Wikipedia article about it;

Wikipedia article – 70/20/10 Model

This raises some interesting questions, in particular about how training providers can provide such contextualisation for their delivery. I think part of the answer is in another point mentioned in the keynote, and that is the need for ‘Activity Based Curriculum Design’. Presenting information doesn’t automatically lead to learning – often this comes from ‘doing’ something. So building in relevant activities into the more formal learning occasions may help the learner get more out of the learning. What do you think?

Encouraging adult learners

Successfully facilitating learning for adult learners requires different approaches, as how they think and the ways they learn differ. The following post has some good ideas:

9 Ways to Encourage the Adult E-Learners

While the focus of the blog is about development of e-learning resources, the lessons can be applied in different scenario’s, including class-based sessions and blended delivery programs.

Tips for facilitators

Some information for facilitators is found at the links below;

Teaching, Training & Learners 139 articles on a variety of subjects Information on learning styles

Information on ‘icebreakers’ (one of the 139 articles mentioned above) Body Language: Top 5 Do’s and Don’t’s (most are applicable to facilitating)

Does education need an upgrade?

In the article linked below, Virginia Heffernan writes on the subject of whether education needs an upgrade to get learners ready for the ‘digital age’. Virginia quotes figures that indicate that many of todays learners will be working in jobs that don’t even exist today. Read the article at:

Education Needs a Digital-Age Upgrade

Did you read the comments as well? These can give an idea of the range of views people have about the subject, and they vary widely.

So what does this mean? Much will depend on your point of view. I think one of the issues is how do we design and deliver learning for something we don’t yet know. We cannot do that effectively. But we can give learners the skills they need to get ready for it, even if what we have to deliver now is limited by training packages or curriculum. One to do this is to help them learn how to learn, then they will be able to learn what they need when they need it (just in time learning).

This is best done by being a facilitator, helping the learners in ways that suit them. Use technology as a tool. Incorporate the use of technologies where appropriate, but help the leaner see that the tech is a tool to learn what is needed, not the end in itself.


Many people prefer information presented in a visual way. This is where infographics (sometimes referred to as data visualizations) can help. There are a number of sites that share infographics, and they can be useful for visual learners as well as for encouraging discussion. Some sites I have seen include: infographics plan to have tools that will help individuals create their own infographics.

Innovation and e-learning

Many people equate e-learning with innovation, perhaps because its seen as something ‘new’. Defining innovation is a bit like defining e-learning – it means different things to different people. While we can argue about what words mean, perhaps the ideal is to make sure that we do what needs to be done to help both the learner and the provider, so at some point, whatever you call ‘innovation’ has to be integrated into your organisation.

A few years ago, the Framework did some work around ’embedding’ e-learning into practice. One of the results was the work by Marie Jasinski, in a report titled ‘Innovate and integrate Embedding innovative practices’. It’s worth a look. See:

Innovate and integrate Embedding innovative practices

One of the points made is that implementation of e-learning requires support. While some facilitators can see the benefits for their learners, without systemic support from their organisation, these facilitators will struggle to fully integrate e-learning into delivery.


Have you heard of these acronyms in relation to learning? What they mean is:

JIT – just in time
JIC – just in case
JFM – just for me

The first and last are the ideal for learning, yet the middle one is the easiest, and what most end up getting. For most people, a lot of training is provided for just in case you need it. True, some of the information provided is relevant, but not all of it. It may be down the track, but not right now. However, this is the easiest for providers to deliver, get a group of learners and ‘teach’ them all the same thing at the same time. Logistically sound, but not always the best for the learner.

Just in time learning is all about learning what we need when we need it. A lot of informal learning happens this way – when you need to know something you look it up, or Google it. This type also tends to be just for you, no one else needs to know that information right then. But logistically, this is difficult to deliver, how do you provide a group of learners what they need when they need it?

We retain information better when we apply it, so JIT and JFM learing is the best option. This is where technology can play a role, and the role needs to change from ‘teacher’ to ‘facilitator’. The information is available, either on a platform such as a LMS, CD or similar, or on the internet. Instead of ‘teaching’, the facilitators role is now to assist the learner in finding what they need for when they need it.

Implications of ‘free’ learning

We have done a few posts recently on this aspect of free/DIY higher education. It included information about free courses and free resources. What does all this mean for ‘traditional’ education providers?

It depends. Providers such as TAFE’s and those offering practical skills will always have a place. While you can read all about making stairs or welding gates, it is still much better to be able to learn in a practical setting with someone who knows how to do it. But for others, it may have some impact on the numbers of students, and as the margins get smaller, this may mean that some courses don’t get to run. And the more that happens, the less flexibility there is, and the more learners will look for other options such as online courses!

While it may not be having a measurable impact at this point, as learners increasingly demand learning when it suits them, the providers will have to change. In the short-term, part of the answer lies in providing good quality delivery with staff who are committed to meeting the learners needs. In the longer term, business models may need to change so that content is free, but the providers charge for assessment services.

Another option is to work out where the free courseware matches curriculum/training package needs. Why can’t learners be given credit for what they do via free courseware? Providers can tell the learners what free courseware relates to their courses, and then the learner enrolls with the local provider to get the rest of the content. After completing the assessment processes, they can be issued with ‘the piece of paper’.

This means that everyone wins. The learner gets greater flexibility, and instead of free courseware being a threat, it actually saves the provider having to develop resources for that component of the course.

Teach anything online?

If you have some skills or knowledge that you want to share, how would you go about it? The most common way is to become a teacher at a school or learning institution. However, technology has created new ways for people to share their skills and knowledge.

The link below is to an article highlighting different tools that can be used by ordinary people with something to share:

Teach anything online ( article)

(or should it be ‘Facilitate anything online’!)

Teach v Facilitate

What is the difference between teaching and facilitating? Some might say they are different words for the same thing. However, there are differences, note the definitions below. (The definitions from Online Dictionary AU, but in most dictionaries the meanings below are similar).

teach – To impart the knowledge of; to give intelligence concerning;
facilitate – To make easy or less difficult; to free from difficulty or impediment;

Notice the difference. ‘Teach’ gives the impression of an ‘expert’ imparting their knowledge, whereas ‘facilitate’ is more about helping the individual learn themselves. I agree that ‘teacher’ is a good term for Primary schools, but for higher forms of education, I think that it is better to ‘facilitate’.

The idea of changing from ‘teaching’ to ‘facilitating’ (another way of saying ‘the sage on the stage’ and ‘the guide on the side’ as mentioned in the previous post) is becoming more important now that people have access to more information. The role is more of a ‘content curator’; as a facilitator, our role is to guide the learner in learning what they need to know.

Does it really matter what title is used? Maybe not. But perhaps thinking differently about the meaning of the role will help teachers/trainers think about how best to help the learner learn. If we are to guide, and make it easier for the learner, then do we need to think more about how we ‘teach’? What do you think?